1. 开场白
1.1 表达感激
"Thank you all for joining us on this beautiful day."(感谢大家在这美好的日子里与我们相聚。)
1.2 介绍自己
"For those who don't know me, I'm the maid of honor and best friend to the bride."(不认识我的人,我是伴娘,也是新娘最好的朋友。)
2. 对新人的祝福
2.1 描述新人的优点
"The bride is not only gorgeous but also incredibly kind, and the groom is as handsome as he is funny."(新娘不仅美丽而且心地善良,新郎既帅气又幽默。)
2.2 讲述一个甜蜜的故事或回忆
Sharing a sweet story or memory can add a personal touch to the speech.(分享一个甜蜜的故事或回忆可以让致辞更加个性化。)
3. 结束语
3.1 对新人的未来祝愿
"May your love grow stronger with each passing day, and may your life together be full of joy and laughter."(愿你们的爱情随着时间的流逝越发坚强,共同的生活充满快乐和笑声。)
3.2 再次感谢来宾
"Thank you once again for being here to celebrate this wonderful union. Cheers to the happy couple!"(再次感谢大家来参加这场美好的婚礼。为幸福的新人干杯!)